创意写作7/7 - 7/11

2024年7月7日星期日- 7月11日星期四. 申请截止日期为6月7日.



The emphasis is on having fun with other students who love writing and enjoying our beautiful natural surroundings while learning the elements of craft. 我们的动态, 才华横溢,充满爱心的教职员工, 很棒的设施, 周围环境也很好, the Alfred University Creative Writing Institute could make this your best summer ever!

  • 本课程介绍了诗歌的各种体裁, 短篇小说, 创造性的非小说类, 和戏剧.
  • 在上午和下午的会议, students participate in writing intensive exercises designed to address the elements of craft: voice, 字符, 图像, 场景, 和设置.
  • Students will have an opportunity to participate in workshop sessions in which they will read and discuss each other’s work with an eye towards revision.
  • 学生还将阅读和讨论知名作家的作品, 调查他们创作诗歌和散文的策略. 讨论很活跃, and students will have an opportunity to work one-on-one with faculty who are also writers.

学费,吃饭 & 住房:
住宿学院费用:900美元. 这个价格包括学费、材料费、餐费和住宿费. 所有的食宿都将在k8彩乐园app官网下载校园内进行.

This dynamic institute is for students entering grades 10-12 who love to write and want to learn new ways to improve their writing skills with others who share their passion!

Students attend classes during the day and enjoy recreational activities in the evening. 进一步的信息, 包括详细的节目安排和开车去学校的路线, 会在接受后发给所有人吗.

苏珊·莫尔豪斯教授他是该项目的负责人. 她和 Dr. 朱莉安娜灰色担任主要指导教师.


  • 填妥的网上报名表格
  • $100订金(以网上申请表格缴付)
  • A one-p年龄 essay telling us why you would like to attend this program (in your own words; sign essay)
  • Two samples of your creative writing (not longer than 4 p年龄s each - can be excerpts from longer works)

For further general information contact the Office of 夏天 项目 by calling us at 607-871-2122. 有关课程内容的具体信息,请联系 苏珊·莫尔豪斯教授.

夏天 Institute Directors will evaluate all applications and determine who will be accepted. 接受和不接受通知将通过电子邮件发送. Once participants are accepted they will be reminded by email from CampDocs to complete the required documents (parental permissions to attend as well as health records). 届时还需要提供最新的免疫信息(包括日期). (如果您手头没有最新的免疫信息, 你可能想从你的医生那里获得这个,以避免处理延误.)

参与者不在课堂时, they are supervised by specially-trained Counselors who serve as positive role models, 导师和朋友. 为了确保每个人都有安全, 健康和愉快的校园时光, 参加暑期课程的学生必须遵守大学的校规 暑期课程规则 & 规定.


不上课的时候,学生们参加娱乐活动有很多乐趣. 生活, 一起吃饭和学习, participants have ample opportunity to get to know each other well and develop lasting friendships. 示例活动包括:

  • 第一晚的破冰游戏帮助大家互相了解
  • 内文斯剧院的电影
  • 户外游戏如“夺旗”及“极限飞盘”
  • 室内游戏,如“谁想成为百万富翁”,《k8彩乐园app官网下载》,乒乓球, 棋盘游戏, 篮球, 等.
  • 有茶点的社交聚会 & 骑士俱乐部的音乐
  • 在当地的咖啡馆放松和社交
  • 最后一晚的告别派对

Participants stay in secure University residence halls dedicated to summer institutes (2 per room) and must bring their own pillows and blankets. 酒店将提供床上/浴室用品, but they can also bring their own (bed linens must fit the extra-long twin residence hall beds). 洗衣设施免费提供. 男性和女性住在不同的楼层. 我们的辅导员会一直在学生宿舍.

Delicious, all-you-can-eat, cafeteria-style meals are served in the campus dining hall. Our 餐厅 Services chefs do an excellent job in accommodating participants with food allergies and other special requirements.

对不起, there are no scholarships or other forms of financial aid available for participants attending this summer program.

“这是我一生中最美好的一周. 我仍然与我在那里遇到的每个人保持联系,并希望明年夏天再来. 课程非常棒,整个经历令人难忘. 我从心底里非常感谢你.——Liz S.Ashley, OH

“这周太棒了! 毫无疑问,这是我经历过的最棒的夏令营. I loved being able to meet all of these people who share my interests (in a fun-filled environment, 没有更少). 课程非常精彩——内容丰富、富有创意,而且经常让人捧腹大笑. Activities were spectacular, food was decent, RAs and instructors were helpful and kind. 多棒的一周啊! 谢谢你的回忆,阿尔弗雷德! 这个地方太棒了!! ——卢克·H.新泽西州哈登镇

“我认为这是一个完美的学习环境. 我们在教育和自由之间取得了完美的平衡. 我们的课堂很“悠闲”,让人感觉很舒服, 但也很专业, 所以我们能够学会充分发挥我们的潜力来写作. 我喜欢创造我的角色,倾听别人的想法和写作. 我也很喜欢(并且会记住)从老师那里得到的建议和建议!——Alexandra R.宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿市

"I know so many great new resources now and better ways to go about doing things like developing 字符s. I loved hearing the work of others and the feedback we received was always so helpful. The best thing was making friends who care about writing as much as I do and having lots of time to write!——布鲁克·C.康涅狄格州坎顿

“老师们都很棒! 这些课程既有趣又有教育意义. 在这个学院最好的事情是在大学的经历!——Bethany Z.美国新罕布什尔州博斯卡文

“课程非常棒. I not only gained some interesting perspectives on writing, but great little tidbits about life too.——亚当一世.黑麦,新罕布什尔州

“校园很美,气氛很可爱. 我学到了很多,并能够大大拓宽我的创意写作技巧. 我很高兴我选择了来,这绝对是值得的. 我交了新朋友,学到了很多东西.——科琳·T.纽约罗克希尔

"It was not only a good pre-college experience and a place to learn more about what I love to do, 但我交了很多朋友, 度过了我人生中最美好的一周! 非常感谢!——艾米丽·T.霍内尔,纽约


"I liked going to the coffee shop and creating 字符s because you could spend time with friends and make use of your imagination.——凯特琳·M.里奇堡,纽约

"I loved my creative writing classes and going to the lake and the Terra Cotta Coffee House was a lot of fun!——悉尼·H.莱斯顿,弗吉尼亚州

“结识新朋友让人耳目一新. 我可以做我自己,人们也会接受我.——Alli M.fisher, IN

“我学会了更生动地写作,让读者仿佛身临其境. Also I learned how to write more in-depth about a 字符 in a story and try to think of them as a real person.——格蕾丝·E.新泽西州里奇伍德市

“我的热情是写作,这门课让我很舒服. 我没有感到尴尬或尴尬,教练是如此友好和开放. 我学会了如何在写作的世界里开阔眼界. I was taught so much that made me experience writing in a whole new way and was given open doors for my passion to excel.——凯兰·M.新泽西州莫里斯平原

Alfred University is located in the peaceful vill年龄 of Alfred in western New York State, 哪里夏天白天温暖,夜晚凉爽舒适. 四周环绕着连绵起伏的丘陵、美丽的草地和山谷, Alfred University is the perfect place to spend an enjoyable week learning more about a favorite subject and meeting other students who share your interests.

校园, 距离纽约6小时车程, 离布法罗2小时,离罗切斯特11 /4小时, is easily accessible by car or bus from all directions and is located just five miles south of Interstate 86. The nearest major airport is the Rochester International Airport (about 65 miles north). Transportation to and from that airport can be provided for an additional charge if we receive your request by the date indicated in your acceptance notification. After that date students must make their own arrangements with an airport limo service.

The University may cancel any course or activity at any time because of insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. 如果一个节目被取消或推迟, 大学将退还注册费, 但不能承担其他费用, 指控, 或费用, 包括航空公司或旅行社评估的取消/更改费用.

无论是考虑录取候选人还是经济援助, applicants for employment or the man年龄ment of its policies and school-administered programs, k8彩乐园app官网下载没有性别歧视, 性取向, 年龄, 比赛, color, 国家或民族出身, 宗教, 或残疾. k8彩乐园app官网下载是一个平权行动,机会均等的雇主.